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“Fewer Finer was born out of my love for the small but significant pieces of our lives that define who we are and what we love."
— Madison
“Fewer Finer was born out of my love for the small but significant pieces of our lives that define who we are and what we love."
— Madison
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I first discovered Claire and Erica through Of a Kind, an e-commerce site they founded in 2010 that was my gateway to finding a number of designers and brands that I still love today. The dynamic duo have since sold Of a Kind and are pursuing a number of other projects, including this podcast, A Thing or Two. The show can best be described as a 'unique mix of urgent discussions of non-urgent things and thoughtful discussions of important, and often otherwise ignored, things'. These women are professional enthusiasts, and therefore I have relied heavily on their gift guides year after year, so I was absolutely thrilled to be included this time around!
The cool thing about this gift guide is that they crowd source who to shop for. Their audience provides very detailed personas of exactly who they need help finding a gift for. Fewer Finer is listed in the section for Mom's and Mother-in-Laws, specifically for this tricky gift recipient to be...
"Single mom by choice to an amazing little girl. Since it's just the two of us and she's a toddler, I need to help her buy her a gift for me. I realize that buying a gift for one's self shouldn't be difficult but I'm saving to buy us a condo and this will be my one quality and/or impractical spend for the foreseeable future. So I want to make it count and I'd love your help. I am willing to spend up to $400.00. I appreciate smart function in design and I have lost zero baby weight, so anything that involves sizing has the potential to make me cry, which feels like it would defeat the purpose. I work about 75 hours a week and am currently doing so remotely. Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!"
"Claire and I got these recently from this wonderful Brooklyn company called Fewer Finer. They call them Eternal Bracelets, they basically solder them to your wrist, like you go someplace and there's a little machine and it takes literally a minute, but it's like the perfect fit, there's no clasp, you don't take it off. It's like a piercing for people who don't want to put a whole in their ear. It also feels like a modern take on the Cartier Love bracelet. You can also bring your daughter with you and she can see it happen!"
"We also love the idea of jewelry you can build on each year as a tradition from her, for as long as you're willing to continue buying yourself gifts from her. It's also a nice way to track the passing of time. Fewer Finer, the same jewelry brand that does the Eternal Bracelet, also specializes in and is sort of known for these amazing vintage charms. They source the most incredible things, so almost anything you can think of that has some meaning to you or between you and your daughter, they very well may have a vintage charm or could find one for you. That's definitely something you could build on every year."
You can listen to the full episode of Gift Guide Round 1: Moms, Dads, and Significant (or Formerly Significant) Others here.
I love following Sam Wennerstrom of Could I Have That? and am so appreciative that she included us in her wish list!
"This time last year I did a jewelry event with Madison of Fewer Finer and spied these two rings stacked that she was wearing on her pinky with engraved names (her parents). I’ve been coveting them ever since and love the look of stacked pinky rings. Also the shape and style of the Kismet Ring is so minimal and simple which I love."
Read the whole gift guide here.
Big thank you to The Identité Collective in their 2021 Holiday Gift Guide: For the Style Conscious and recognizing us a female-owned small business!
Read the whole gift guide here.
l just discovered this newsletter from Priyanka Aribindi who writes about - you guessed it - shit she bought and liked! I wish I had found it a month earlier because I could have really used the entry on finding the perfect black Chelsea boots. Thanks for including Fewer Finer in the Clueless Boyfriend's Guide to Buying Jewelry!
"I love so many rings, but I’ll do my best to keep this reasonable. If you prefer plain gold to diamonds, Fewer Finer has a beautiful Fig Leaf Ring —s/o to my lovely friend Leslie and her newsletter Morning Person for the rec."
"I also love Fewer Finer’s Nameplate Bracelet —their hand-engraving is incredibly beautiful for a name or date."
"I love the concept of welded bracelets, especially as a present. Places like Fewer Finer will fit and weld bracelets onto your wrist, so instead of having a clasp, they will just stay on forever. The concept is really sweet (esp for a s/o, best friend, sister, etc.), and they can always be re-welded if they break."
Read the whole guide here.
Leslie Stephen's newsletter, Morning Person, is always a great source of recommendations for everything from books to recipes! She put together a really thoughtful gift guide and included Fewer Finer as what to get someone special. I can't help but agree!
"So much better than simply a gift card—this Holiday Gift Card Box includes a wrapped chocolate bar, incense, and a $100 gift card."